OPNSense and checking what is blocking

OPNSense and checking what is blocking

If you’re like me, you have OPNSense running with UnboundDNS, IDS(WAN) and ZenArmor(LAN) running and sometimes you’ll run into issues where a site or something has been blocked you don’t want blocked like Windows Update if you’re running Windows. In this post, i’m going list steps to check as to what is blocking your content and what to do. More than likely, it will be UnboundDNS causing most of your issues so we will start there.

Go to Services and Select UnboundDNS > Log File. Look in the log file for any errors. This error “dnsbl_module: no logging backend found.” in particular. This means that reporting module has failed. To fix this error, simply go to Reporting > Settings and click the “Reset DNS Data” button. This should get Unbound back up on reporting.

Now to figure out what’s going on with what site is being blocked you, go into Reporting >Unbound DNS and then click on the details Tab and then redo the site or application and then refresh the log and see what URL or entry comes up and then you can take care of it from there by whitelisting that item by clicking the ‘pencil’ at the end of the log entry.

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